Our Facilities
Laboratory 1
55,000 sq. ft. – The original. Built in 1977, this is where it all started. Lab 1 houses offices for most of our research groups, analytical services, IT and our facilities teams, graduate and undergraduate student workspaces, as well as meeting space.

Laboratory 2
43,000 sq. ft. – The first LEED-certified research lab at UK Lab 2 is home to CAER’s renewable energy research programs. Biofuels, organic electronics, and battery R&D labs are housed in this space. The Center’s carbon research group – working to turn coal into carbon fiber – also utilizes space in Lab 2.

Mineral Processing
6,500 sq. ft. – The Center’s cementitious and rare earth element research programs are located in this space.

Carbon Fiber Development
4,800 sq. ft. – The longest carbon fiber spinline at any research institution in North America is in this facility.

CAER Greenhouse
2,500 sq. ft. – Home to our algae research and development program.

Synthesis and Pitch Lab
1,400 sq. ft. – Carbon pitch R&D is located here.

Process Development Facility
6,550 sq. ft. – Houses the Center’s coal-to-liquid fuels demonstration unit, featuring a fully operational gasifier and Fischer-Tropsch process synthesis process system.

Applied Petrology
Exploring the petrographic and geochemical characterization of Kentucky coals; the interaction of coal petrology with grinding and beneficiation properties; the petrology of carbons; the petrology of coal-combustion by-products, particularly fly ash; and the characteristics of natural and anthropogenic coal fires.
- Vitrinite reflectance and maceral analyses of coal
- Petrographic analysis of mixed coal, coke, tar, and sediments
- Petrographic analyses of CCBs
- As well as more unusual analyses, such as the examination of material collected on air filters.
Contact Information
James Hower
Principal Research Scientist
Phone: 859-257-0261
Fax: 859-257-0302
Email: james.hower@uky.edu
Algae Greenhouse
2500 square foot commercial-grade greenhouse serves as a proving ground for photobioreactors and provides a temperature-stabilized facility where different algae growing conditions can be tested.
- Photobioreactor design, construction and operation
- Photobioreactor integration with power plants
- Algae cultivation, harvesting and dewatering
- Algal biomass analysis
Contact Information
Eduardo Santillan-Jimenez
Associate Director
Sustainable and Alternative Fuels
Phone (859)257-0395
FAX (859)257-0302
Carbon Spinline
The Carbon Spinline Building contains the largest carbon fiber spinline found in an academic setting anywhere in the world. The 100 foot long spinning line is housed in a 5,000 square foot building. The line was built to this scale to balance the production of meaningful research quantities of precursor tow (up to 1 lb/working day) while minimizing the time and effort needed for line change-over.
- Spinning polymers into precursors
- Conversion to carbon fiber
- Synthesis and applications of carbon nanotubes
- Polymer processing
- Activated carbons
Contact Information
Matt Weisenberger
Associate Director
Phone (859)257-0322
FAX (859)257-0220
Catalyst Research Lab
Catalyst research and testing is performed at CAER within the world’s largest open-access catalyst testing lab. Researchers work to define scientific principles involved in catalysis as well as applying these scientific principles to the many applications of catalysts in industry. The lab is particularly well-equipped with 23 CSTR reactor systems and routinely operates reactors from the small bench scale to the pilot-plant scale (6′ x 2″ reactor). It is well equipped with analytical instrumentation for catalyst characterization and product evaluation.
- 23 CSTR reactor systems
- Reactors from the small bench scale to the pilot-plant scale
- Quantities of 1 kg of catalysts are routinely prepared
- Up to 1 ton of wet catalysts can be prepared when necessary
- Operating in the fixed bed, fluid bed and slurry bubble column modes
Contact Information
Leslie Hughes
Administrative Research Assistant Principal
Phone (859)257-0253
FAX (859)257-0302
Engineered Fuels Lab
The Engineered Fuels lab produces transportable, high-value fuel briquettes and pellets from low-value or waste fine coal and biomass. Engineered Fuels lab staff has collaborated with state, federal, and industrial partners on numerous briquetting and pelletization projects culminating in two licensing agreements.

- 1,000-lb/hr roll briquetter
- Two pan pelletizers
- 200-lb/hour knife mill dedicated to biomass preparation
- Controlled-temperature and humidity chambers
- 30 kw microwave dryer
- Industrial grade mixers
- Miscellaneous briquette-durability test equipment
Contact Information
Bob Jewell
Associate Director
Cementitious Materials Group
Phone (859)257-0216
FAX (859)257-0360
Mineral Processing Lab
The Mineral Processing Building is a sustained laboratory supporting the development of products and industries that manufacture construction materials from coal combustion by-products (CCB’s) e.g., cements, grouts, wallboard, masonry block, fillers, roofing materials, etc.
- Equipment to prepare, cure, and test mortar, concrete and masonry specimens
- Extensive aggregate preparation and characterization area
- Advanced concrete testing instrumentation
- Apparatuses for curing under a variety of conditions
- Materials handling equipment
Contact Information
Bob Jewell
Associate Director
Cementitious Materials Group
Phone (859)257-0216
FAX (859)257-0360
Renewable Fuels Lab
The Renewable Fuels Lab is dedicated to developing improved processes for biomass use, and thereby supporting the burgeoning biofuels industry in Kentucky. The Commonwealth is well-positioned to become a leader in biofuels production. The state’s abundance of natural resources, including forestry wastes and agricultural residues, in addition to crops such as corn and soybeans, offers a huge resource of biomass.
- Autoclave reactors
- Gas Chromatography (GC)
- Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
- GC/Simulated distillation
Contact Information
Eduardo Santillan-Jimenez
Associate Director
Sustainable and Alternative Fuels
Phone (859)257-0395
FAX (859)257-0302
Analytical Services
CAER is home to some of the state and region’s most advanced research equipment. Most important: CAER researchers are uniquely trained to utilize and optimize the use of that equipment. That combination is a major asset to Kentucky companies and organizations looking to analyze samples from their operations. If you are a Kentucky company or organization that would like to learn if CAER can assist your organization, please let us know.

Some Capabilities Include
- Gas Chromatography (GC)
- Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
- GC/Simulated distillation
- Ion Chromatography
- X-Ray Fluorescence
Contact Information
Shelley Hopps
Analytical Services Manager
Phone (859)257-0208